tv CNN News Night With Abby Phillip CNN October 9, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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also gets down to how you sit which is why our technology is light years ahead, we are groundbreaking lmx technology, bringing hot, cold, and touch into one extraordinary seating that's next year. we've got our eye on the future of work. so you can focus on the president's visit x to find out how you can own next year for only 20 dollars a month. x more than liebermann at the pentagon. >> this evening. i'm abby philip, our colleague, anderson cooper is here with us. he is in the middle of the hurricane in milton, florida. we're going to get to him in just a moment. but first, this monster storm of these areas that are being the hardest hit. but first, let's go to boris sanchez. boris is in tampa, florida, a
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place where everyone believed for a long time had escaped. so many of these stores forms, what are you seeing right now in the streets yeah it's green roughly 100 years since tampa got a direct hit from a hurricane and it narrowly avoided one with hurricane milton. >> nevertheless, the effects are being felt significantly here in tampa tonight, we've seen an intense amount of rain come down upward words of ten inches in some ports close to 14. and just moments ago, about 30 seconds ago, the wind had started calming down, but now it is picking up once again. and as you can see behind me in this neighborhood, the water continues to accumulate. this rainfall is roughly four to six months of what tampa gets in a year? yeah. in just a matter, rather, this is the kind of rain of tampa gets in four to six months coming down in a day. abby and i do want to point out there's at least one car that stalled out further down the street. there was an elderly gentleman in it for
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some reason, stop there. i don't know if his core styled or he just stopped the car, but he got out, he started walking around. we tried to make contact with him, but he wasn't responding. he didn't seem to know exactly what was going on. clearly not what you want to see in a situation like this with so many dangers, you have powerful rain winds that whip you around. they are starting to come down, but nevertheless, it is a serious factor when you consider that there is debris scattered across this area, the western part of florida, because of hurricane helene about two weeks ago. beyond that, you have considerable storm surge. we were in a location earlier tonight, right on tampa bay, watching the water start whipping the seawall. we actually had to get out of there because it was becoming too intense and it was a real danger. and so we moved out of the way that area right now as we were getting out was flooded. that was roughly 7:00 p.m. abby, you can imagine what it looks like right now with so much rain coming down it is starting to slow down here as the storm moves to the northeast. but obviously a lot of concern and a lot of danger out there for residents yeah.
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>> i can see that water moving behind you force just a sign of perhaps what is to come as the hours go on boris, i know that chad myers is still with us and has a question for you well, boris earlier just show you talked about how it was getting cold. >> and that is a telltale sign that this storm is now interacting with an upper level storm and mid-level storm latitude storm with drier air in it, hurricanes are supposed to be warm you're supposed to be sweating inside of your rain jacket as wet as it is on the outside of it. but that tells me something that this is going to continue to be a wind event because the colder, drier air that we're feeling here in atlanta already he is now in her interacting with the moisture from the hurricane. and so you're going to get more in the way of wind especially east of you as well, because it is going to move to the east. but you just had an
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85 mile per hour gust at the airport and the people in orlando in lakeland and all the way up toward the northeast, they are going to feel the same he type of rain and the same type of wind in the coming hours that you felt this storm is not stopping because of that interaction yeah john, i thought genuinely i thought it was because my feet have been wet since like noon but it it has actually gotten significantly cold i think one of the big concerns for folks that as you were describing as the size of this storm and his strength as it was approaching the western part of florida, there were concerns as far away as orlando in the eastern part of the state. >> so obviously, as you noted, the wind is going to continue to be a concern even as it seems to slowly, slowly. i don't want i don't want to jinx it, but it's slowly is dying out in his area, or at least dying out compared to what it was even an hour ago. >> that, wind. will eventually translate over to orlando.
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you're 35 to 40 on up toward even i would say even probably cocoa beach could see 30 to 45 mile per hour winds. but this is not over for the people east of you because this still has to go across the entire rest of the state. >> abby chada, we are already getting reports from the eastern shore of florida about without injuries as a result of this storm. so this is going to be a huge story all throughout the state of florida at chad stand by boar's, continue to stand by for us and stay safe and warm in that weather down there. cnn's bill weir is in st. petersburg, florida. a bill. it's so amazing to see behind you. now where you are. the wind died down significantly. i mean, earlier you were talking about monsoon, like conditions. what is it like for you right now >> milton is as chilled a bit in this part of the storm right now, there's still some gusts.
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you still see it, but nowhere near as intense as we experienced for the last couple hours. and miraculously, the power is still on here in st. petersburg, at least in the downtown area. we know that 1.6 million floridians are without power. so far in the storm and given all the lineman who are working up in the carolinas after helene is getting the lights back on in this state, it seems like it's going to be challenge but another thing i went back and looked at the excellent tampa bay times, did an excellent series a couple of years ago or were they determined that pinellas county, where i am right now, is the most vulnerable in the state when it comes to flooding vulnerability that in a category one storm over 700 vital buildings, schools, churches, gas stations, government buildings, are at risk of flooding, category two's bumps that another 400 buildings on to that list, 30 billion worth so property. so as the sun comes up on friday
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morning first proof of life really matters are so many first responders just waiting to get out the door and starts saving lives and looking for people neighbors, and make sure people are okay. but then it's that that pit in your stomach as you examine what is left of where the flooding is, what has to be done who knows, right now it feels like okay, we dodge the storm surge in this part of the bathtub that is tampa bay but who knows it's still too dark to see but right now it feels like abby, the windsor calming a bit and we're going to explore a little bit more down by the municipal boat basin. hear and see what we can find. >> yeah. i mean, bill earlier chad myers was telling us that st. pete got 16 inches of rain. i mean, just huge amounts of rain. half of that in a two-hour period. i wonder if you're seeing the evidence of that kind of water. where is all of that water? what are going
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city, it's draining pretty well. >> but for those folks living along, canals for those folks with septic tanks and other plumbing issues that there's just too much water. i mean, we live now seems like in the age of too much or never enough, where the let's are very wet and the drys are super droughts and places cities that are go back hundreds of 150 years here's some due in this part of the country, here are 100 years, at least that the sewage infrastructure just wasn't built for an earth that delivers these kinds of storms. it's something have in miami, they passed the tax initiative bond initiative to raise the street it's to raise pumps, sewage treatment plants as well. a lot of cities can afford that, right? what's another interesting piece just last month, they completed a huge beach replenishment along
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the west coast, just west of us here all of that got washed away in helene tens of millions of dollars of sand washed away in a single storm. and now knows what, what happened to those folks in this one as well but these one-two punches his bigger wetter it's just insidious, sort of headache after headache yeah. >> it's it's really incredible to think about, especially for those communities that we've been talking about, the smaller ones on the barrier islands. and in other places, bill standby for us, we're going to check in with you as we go through this evening. we're going to go now to cnn's randi kaye. she's sarasota randi tell us about what you're seeing, where you are. we've been seeing some calmer pictures with bill and with boris, but it looks pretty rough where you are still yeah. >> abby, our story really is more the wind, at least as far as we can tell than the flooding, which is a lot of what they are seeing. there we
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have been sort of up and down with the wind and the rain throughout the day we were here when the eye cross and everything think got very tranquil, very quiet, and the birds came out and the frogs came out and now having passed the eye, has passed. so we've got the wind starts to kick up again and we started seeing more rain again. we did have winds of 102 at sarasota airport, which is not far from where we are that is certainly a bit of what we are feeling as well in this area. the good news is a lot of the people abby have evacuated sarasota is pretty much very, very quiet. the homes are boarded up. they have their hurricane hurricane shades on and shutters on this is what we're seeing no, around. this is a concern. this was a concern from hurricane helene as well, but these pieces of the fence, they came down earlier tonight while we were standing here. and then you have this white tarp that it was originally going in that direction. and then when the eye pass and the winds changed direction the tarp is now still
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hanging on, which is incredible, but it's now switched directions as well. but i think the real mystery abby, is what things look like closer to sarasota bay. we're about a half-mile from the bay until the light comes up and we get it's somebody over there wasn't safe to be there tonight when we get to look at it, that's what we'll see, but that is that is the concern that the storm surge would have cross siesta key and those barrier islands where hurricane milton made landfall and then would have pushed into sarasota bay and then would push into into the into land here at sarasota. so we don't know exactly what the storm surge looks like until tomorrow, but we know they were expecting anywhere from nine to 13 feet and they had about seven feet with hurricane helene here. so it could be pretty bad. so we'll have a look as soon as we can yeah. >> hey, randi, stay with us because chad myers since still in the weather center, he wants to ask you a question here were any what elevation do you think you are standing right now?
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>> i saw your location earlier when your photographer put it on facebook and i was like, wait a minute, that's too close. what do you think you think your 2025 feet above the water right now? >> i would say probably zone d and we actually ran our location by your fabulous weather department and made sure that this was a safe location for us because we were we were earlier this morning. we are on south shore drive, which has do you know chat is right on the bay and we knew that was evacuation zone a. so those are the first people to get to get told that they should get out of town and then they back. but here in sarasota, they evacuated zone a zone be in zone c, and the mayor told me that she can't remember ever evacuating zone c. so we're in zone d all right. >> so i think you're safe for tonight. obviously, the water would be coming up in zone a if in fact that water is breached and over those barrier islands, i still don't want you go down there until daylight. it's
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still too still too dangerous we were there. >> i will tell you we are in zone a. were in those neighborhoods along the shoreline and all of those homes had piles and piles of debris brie they were hit so hard by helene that they're one woman told me she's spent 15 hours cleaning out her house. that's all the all of their lives are basically on the curb waiting for pickup randi kaye you continue to stay where you are and stay safe. i mean, i want to just emphasize to people watching at home that our reporters are anchors. they're out there in the storm, but they are in places that we've determined where they can continue to stay safe while they bring you their incredible reporting. i want to go to boris sanchez. he's down in tampa, florida as well. boris, tell us how things are progressing, where you are right now you just to abby just a few moments ago, when i last spoke to you, i mentioned that the wind was starting to die down and i didn't want to jinx it
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and unfortunately, it has picked up a little bit again, as you might be able to tell, we're seeing the floodwaters continue to creep closer and closer to businesses. >> obviously, the flooding is a major concern with this storm, not only the freshwater flooding with the rain coming down in these ports of tampa, as i mentioned before, it's about four to six months worth of rain coming down in a matter of hours. but you've all so got other storm surge that has been a one of the key concerns with this storm. we were expecting somewhere between eight to ten feet of storm surge here in tampa. i'm not sure that we got there necessarily, but i would be curious to know how things look where we were earlier today at this tampa bay front park and just moments ago, you see the lights. i'm not sure if you can tell but the lives continue to flicker in this area. i'm seeing the blue and greenish pop of a transformer going off somewhere obviously, this is still a very dangerous
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situation and one of the key concerns it's flooding, so we're going to keep an eye on these waters as they get closer and closer into neighborhoods. it doesn't look like the homes behind us or necessarily affected, but we were around this corner a moment ago and we got out partly because the water started creeping come closer and closer to where we were so there is no doubt that at the very least vehicles, if not homes and businesses, are going to be impacted. abby all right. >> boris sanchez, a standby for us. i'm going to go straight to anderson cooper, who is in bradenton anderson. you're back with us. how have things been there in bradenton over the last several minutes i mean, as you can tell, it's certainly the winds have died down significantly as certainly the rain is still raining. >> and it's still obviously windy, but it's really nothing compared to what it was rammed is still very saturated here. i haven't been able to go into the town itself on by the river, riverwalk. but as you can tell, even the there's not
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the waves crashing over onto the riverwalk that that we saw starting around around 8:45 or 9:00 and that was when there was really significant shift in the storm here in this area. so there's a lot it's still, it's really, it's it's not great out. but it's definitely died down to a great degree. i still want to learn more information about water on the ground here. but let's, let's, let's check in again. >> just walking back in with boris sanchez. >> boris, i just came in dealing of how much water he is on the ground where you more to get a specific number for you. >> i know we were anticipating somewhere between roughly a foot of rain for the tampa bay
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area right now, it's hard to say that it's more than a few inches as you feel the rain picking up once more right behind me a very big gust of wind just came through and sent a ton of debris i could see branches and tree matter at perhaps some plastic i'm not sure exactly what it is going behind me. i can tell you that at least here the water it's starting to come up off the sidewalk. it's starting to go into what appears to be a bar over to my left and it's sort of dragging some debris with it, some detritus it's hard to tell, but as soon as i we've been sheltering the vehicle between live shots and trying to get a view of what's going on and i watched the water come up very quickly and the last time i stepped down without realizing it my entire foot plunged in it's about ankle high right now where we are but this is a more elevated area than we were earlier tonight. as i mentioned to a couple of hours ago, we were standing right outside of tampa bay and
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as we were leaving that location because we saw the storm surge start to come in our car ran into flooding and it got right up to to the bumper. we've got a bunch of water on the windshield. we had to slow down. i'm curious to see once the storm starts to pass, what that neighborhood looks like, not only because it had already significant flooding at that point, but because it was a neighborhood that i had a lot of tree cover and with some of the wins that we so i imagine that at the very least branches went down plus it was on the waterfront. so combine that intense rain with the storm surge. i would love to know how those residents are faring right now, anderson boris, we'll come back to you on a ticket. quick break then after the break, we'll take you to downtown, right to get a report about water around their money will be right back black people he had an
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8:23 pm have i got news for you saturday at nine on cnn you know, who has been driving around right now because they have died down. >> you can see from here they are still pretty strong. and so really miserable out of but in terms of flooding, what do you see yeah. >> hey, guys were just north of the hospital manatee memorial ariel here in downtown brady intended we had, you know, waves of first responders evacuating patients out of the area here. for the storm hit and that was for this reason right here you can see massive amounts of storm surge. if you look off to the right, there's actually waves hitting the wall on the river here along highway
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41 coming up over the wall into an area that is no normally a park. so that's what all that water is coming out of. look at it, coming in now all those big waves of rain and water, and then it's flowing out over here into the left and completely blocking roadways. we're not going to go any further. this point because as you could see, it's, it's not even a road anymore. it's more river at this point. >> and when you're i'm not sure if we still have you been, but it when you're driving, it's very difficult. i mean you know, driving around in these conditions is incredibly dangerous because you have no sense on some of these roads how deep the water is >> that's why i always say turn around, don't drown. were 100 feet from a dry roads. so we made a short trip down here, but we also have been tracking these cells in the rainfall and watching things very closely on the radar. to know where it's safe to go and where it's not to. most people are not going to know what they're getting
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into, just driving the grocery store are trying to accomplish some sort of error in coming across water like this is quite a scary situation. we've seen numerous water rescues and other storms and storm surge is just a unique animal, its own regard, it could change so quickly. you'll have no water in one place than 30 minutes later, you'll have three or four foot deep ocean swells almost coming into a community like you're seeing in front of us extensive flooding is because it localized in that one area most of the extensive flooding we've been seeing is in the lower lying areas that are near tampa bay and the manatee river. it actually appears like the water is flowing in opposite directions that it normally does. so that is that surge effect that's being pushed up into these areas, but thankfully, it's probably only i would say maybe an estimate of five feet or six feet deep. so it's not really making it into those higher areas where
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you would see more of the city buildings and the hospital that's nearby, abby. so that's good news, but the problem is this water is rising as you can see, it's flowing towards at this point. we don't know how high this is going to get before we'll start to see things subside want to point out this is still dangerous category. store it's still impacting large areas of florida and we'll all throughout the night is as it crosses the entire state so there is a lot to still be monitoring and a lot to still very concerned about the hours ahead, particular these overnight hours by ben back in with you are under right. >> todd is in in tampa for us. >> right where are you right now downtown tampa right now. >> the storm surge, i mean, the stirred the surge of the actual rain and the wind here is still
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relentless violet, very dangerous, went downtown tampa on howard avenue i'm going to show you a couple of pieces of video that really kind of illustrate the unique nature of this storm. first, something called reverse a storm surge on tampa bay. my team and i ventured a few blocks from here it really was not easy to get to the edge of the bay to do this. but we my colleague duger mcconnell was able to get to the railing on the edge of the tampa bay and then shoot some video from his cell phone into the bay where you could see that the water has been pushed out of the bay. it looks like a beach. it looks like it's dirt there. that's really extraordinary because the water is always up to the railing even under normal circumstances. and heavy storms that often floods in storm surge pushes it over there. but because of the phenomenon called reverses storm surge, the water has been pushed out of tampa bay. you can see the dry parts of the bay in this video, it looks almost like a dry riverbed for parts of that
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video that sort that surge has been pushed out. we are told that the surge is going to push the water back in. now, it may not get to some of the most dangerous storm surge levels that we've seen in other areas when that happens but you can count on that water that's been pushed out of tampa bay. see in that video coming back here, another piece of video that i can show you is the kind of the transformers blowing in the area where we are with the transform. right above my head and has sparked an ark out a couple of times, at least four or five times actually when it does that sparks fly the entire street goes dark for a couple of seconds in that it seems to recover. the transformers are holding up for now, but they are i'm pretty shaky ground here as the storm passes through. again. i mean, just these phenomenons of the transformers blowing reverse storm surge and not just the relentless, pounding rain that we are still getting here in downtown tampa. hit is really
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extraordinary. anderson we've really seen very few storms like this there's so many strange things you'll see it in the midst of storms like that in those transformers that blew we wanted them noises with you i want to go to bring in chad myers because chad the whole idea of reverse storm surge is not it's hard to comprehend explain how that happens. >> sure. let's just fast forward to tomorrow morning. you poured yourself a cup of coffee and it's too hot and you blow on the top of the cup of coffee, you blow on the water, blow on the coffee, and it makes little waves and it blows that coffee to the other side. well, you've just made a mini storm surge so if you blow all of your coffee, this way you're blowing the water or the coffee out of the bay. if you blow it this way is what happened. you take the storm surge and you push it here. the real risk of this storm was the landfalling hurricane center
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being north of tampa, and then all of a sudden it's not reversed. they're its full-on been in to tampa bay. >> now, that reverse will kind of slacking and an even already has here important manatee. here's a little reporting station right there, and it's now about three feet above a little bit of a three foot surge here, not back here where this wind is still blowing from the east, that's still below and inverse, but we will eventually please see all that water go back. >> and when the storm goes far enough east, the wind will eventually blow back into their and make a slight storm surge, but not six to nine feet like was forecast that all happened south of the eye. you have to be south of the ai to truly get the big surge all right john, let's go to barbara tripp, who's the tampa fire chief. chief. you and i've talked to over the last several days how from your vantage point, how are things right now in tampa well, it's pretty rough here.
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>> the when it's over 100 miles per hour, you know, we haven't some large wind gusts. >> we actually i had to cease all services because it's actually been too dangerous to put margaret first responders out there on the road. so a lot of residents are without power. so milton is definitely dissonant. tampa time you may be able to get first responders back out there too survey the situation. >> what sort of mile an hour winds do you generally operate it when you get what's house per hour sustained win in a course does have a lot to do with dan. >> and right now, we haven't 100 miles per hour. wind gusts, about 70. we will not put the units out there. anything above 40 of how many people are without power the last time i looked,
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they said it's probably over 400,000 people without power in the city of tampa time tonight and know how busy you are. all right. thank you. >> we're going to take a short break and when we come back and talk to bill. >> we're in tampa. will be right back flirtation has paul to pass traditional political symbols. and there's room for everyone. first pew claim those white taken, saving on your education should be a right, not a competition at university of phoenix, you'll get the best scholarship or savings you qualify for simple as that explore scholarship options at university of phoenix we're excited to do business with you, but before we sign, i got to ask juror or anything. >> we searched you online and
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little bit calmer. i mean, obviously the wind is still blowing. there's a lot of water in the air, a lot of rainfall, but i went down to the river. >> it is pouring still over the banks it's onto the riverwalk. >> there is just big waves of water coming in so that wind is still blowing really strong. this is obviously still a category two storm but that's going to be a going across the entire width of florida in these overnight hours and into tomorrow, i want to check in now, bring enough though weir, who is in st. pete, bill how are things back down to the harbor side of st. pete here and much to the relief, i'm sure of a few sailors in this town. >> most of the boats of the basin survived those 90 mile-an-hour, 89 mile an hour gusts but even if you don't care about yachting that much, this is an indication that st. petersburg really dodged a bullet that couldn't much
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worse in terms of surge in terms of wind and in terms of power loss, look at the electricity is still on survived. >> here sure. in st. petersburg, but about a mile from here is the home of the tampa bay double raise, the tropicana field, the trop which actually glows at night like an orange because the roof is made of teflon coated fiberglass. well, that roof was gone the result of this particular storm. you can see it's been shredded by those wins. there so fickle italy, i can make a very astute assessment beyond what we can see through our headlights, just venturing out since the storm has passed but these are a couple of indications that it wasn't quite as destructive as we were worried about four or five hours ago. but there's a lot that will be revealed as the sun comes look around here, anderson chad let's bring you into this. it from your vantage
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point, chad is that is that the way? it's not as bad as it might have been in st. pete i think so. >> i mean, when you talk about what it was as a category 5180 mile per hour storm? yeah. we didn't get that that when that's the goodness. we didn't expect it the forecast was four to die. ideas think it lost an awful lot of power right offshore. and we could see the whole i just kind of fall apart, get an eyewall replacement cycle, which means that you lose the real big one and you get the larger one on the outside, you'd lose the big wind and you get lesser wind with the eyewall that is surrounding it and there's a moat in-between and it does look like we're still going to get 74 to 110 mile per hour gusts across the state tonight so this is still what we expected. i think the impact to the coast is certainly less than what it could have been without a doubt it jumps. >> what do you think that looks like as this storm cat two right now moves across florida.
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i mean, should people in the path of this they expect over the next 12 hours the real issue is the amount of rain that's still going to come down. and that's even for orlando for kissimmee and all the way across to the other side of the coast, maybe toward cinnamon beach off toward the east. that's where the wind is going to start to be in the 5060 mile per hour range. you have saturated ground and the trees are going to want to fall. when the truth please fall, that all of a sudden you lose power lines as well. you lose that. and so even at 1.9 million power, now loss, we're probably get well above the 22.5 million even for orlando proper. it doesn't take much if you get a wind gust of 100 miles per hour over an open property, that all of a sudden you're going to lose some of these palm of some of these taller pines and those pions will bring down power all right, chad, thanks very much. >> we're going to take a short
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riverwalk, was the manatee river right now, it is just i mean, this my feed. there's probably four or five inches of water here. it is just flowing directly from the river over onto the ground here and it's moving about. i mean, it's it's probably about 150 feet or so from the river just covering this whole area along the riverwalk? it's hard to see because it's so dark, but the waves now are just there's big whitecaps. there are full-on waves. it looks like you're at the ocean. but as the manatee river and the wind is just bringing all this water and just pushing this water onshore the ground up here. it it rises up. so the water is not going very, very far, but it is. i mean, this whole area along the riverwalk is underwater. i'm you can stand
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in it, but it's it's definitely up to past pass my ankles so chad, it's so deceptive because i mean, your 200 feet away, it seems like much calmer. but by the water, this wade is whipping off in its waters just pouring on shore right? >> and you're not that far from the other side of that river. >> so we're now at port manatee called the caught up the river just a little bit, maybe less than a mile so the water is it's beginning to pour back into tampa bay slowly, but it's beginning to push itself because the wind is shifting directions. i know you've talked about how it was from one direction and now it's from another. and that's going to continue as the night goes on. we are going to see those winds continue to shift right now from the northwest when they get to from the west, all of a sudden your water is going to pour back into that tampa bay and that's why all the official says, please please. we know you can see the bottom of tampa bay right now, but please don't go there because the water is going to come back so now here in brain
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to the view that the wind i mean, correct me if i'm wrong, the wind is coming from from the north, correct that is correct. >> that is great. that's because now you are on the western part. the western part of the eye itself. i'm going to sun this back out. >> so here's the eastern part of the eye. here's where the winds are coming from. the south. here's where they're coming from. the east. and now you are on this side of the eye in it's coming from the north, eventually as this pulls away, you're going to get wins from the west, not due west, but you're gonna get them enough to get the water back into tampa bay and still the water still well pouring toward where our randi kaye is pouring into the punter gorda areas still water rising in fort myers and it's so somewhere even down there, about a five-foot surge. there aren't any or many surge warning detectors here. so we don't really know if there really was a ten foot surge and probably until daybreak, anderson i mean, i'm really
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struck chad by the water has risen now probably two inches around me. >> it just last couple of minutes this is like standing in the ocean. i mean, no, they're just waves of water lapping ashore while that is ocean water, it really that is not river water. >> the river water would have already been pushed out. >> so now you're starting to get the ocean water, the gulf of mexico water and it is pushing into tampa bay and into your river and then up your river. >> so we are going to see, now, we looked at that at that board manatee and there was about a three foot surge, a positive surge, not the negative surge. talked about. there with brian, todd's piece. but what we're seeing now is the water beginning to come back up and you're still just kind of blowing that water away, you're just blowing it back onto shore. and as blowing away from the shore that you're looking at across the across the river that you have an inverse surge across the river might only be a foot or two, but you're
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seeing the surge even if though it's just a river surge? >> it's it's enough to make television it was like before when i was standing here i'm not i can't say he just myself, so i'm not sure exactly what it looks like. >> but it's it's extraordinary mean, the difference yeah, it's extraordinary. >> i haven't i have not seen something like this in a long time. how long do you expect this to be like this here? how long will this water be coming on i think it'll come onshore over the next two to three hours without a doubt because that's how long the wind is going to be blowing in that direction. >> something else i think it's just the power of water. now what another flash flood emergency for later? think lynda, florida getting up toward kissimmee with flash flood warnings, there's so much water in the system. what you're seeing blown around is actually the big land-based water. what all of this is still falling from the sky
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flooding more people up the i4 corridor >> let's go to brian todd in tampa. brian, what are you seeing sanchez. boris. what are you saying television in the midst of a storm it's a little hard to it's amazing. >> we're able to even broadcast like this for continuously play for hours. the technology behind it is fascinating to see it up close. and we were all standing here with like paper, like plastic bags over cameras. it's perry it's high tech, but it's also served very basic and low-tech. a lot of water coming in here.
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i am told me may have a connection now with wars boris sanchez. what are you seeing where you are? you're right >> we can go live from storms like this. honestly but fortunately, i'm happy to board that here in tampa, at least the wind has died down considerably even though we continue getting very, very strong bands the rain has also noticeably been reduced. >> it instead of coming down horizontally the way that it was before pelting us. >> it's now more of a drizzle. it's still coming down. the concern is that it's not going to stopped coming down anytime soon. and already, as you can see behind me roadways are flooded. >> the water has receded. >> i should note it has receded from where it was when i i last checked in with you. it was starting to get into a business nearby. what appears to be a bar. it slipped debris up on the sidewalk, but this is not this is not the area of most concern, this is a more elevated area. we've heard reports and other areas of
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serious flash flooding i actually drove through when earlier in the evening where i saw in a neighborhood, a residential neighborhood with a lot of tree cover, water that was up to the axle of our vehicle was up to the bumper of our vehicle. we had a hard time driving through it fortunately, i have not let's seen a lot of activity by residents which was a concern, especially earlier today, there were a lot of folks walking around, taking pictures in front of the storm. so that appears to have dissipated except for one gentleman that apparently parked his car or got his car stuck in the floodwaters further down the street from us. it was an elderly man who was walking around who scene? very disoriented. we tried to speak to him and he wasn't i guess in the mood to talk. it seems like things have started to calm down here, anderson, of course, there's still a lot of danger especially as you get north, northeast where the storm is headed break, water. >> really it didn't just blow in here. >> we'll be right back
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edge sunday at nine on cnn blows captioning brought to you by field away, optimum enhanced calming for cats. >> if your cats springs outside the litter box, fights with other cats were scratches the furniture, they could be telling you they're stressed to help them feel more calm try feel away. >> optimum hurricane milton right now, this massive storm is battering in florida as a category two storm. we're going to go back to anderson cooper in just a moment. but first joining me now is debbie weber. she is watching the storm from a hotel room with her 19-year-old son in sarasota, just two weeks weeks after she and her son were uprooted by hurricane helene, debbie. thank you so much for joining us. first of all, i just want to know how are you and your son doing and what has it been like to ride out the storm over the last few hours? >> we're we're doing pretty good. we're structurally sound
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hotel it was wind are really strong earlier in the day, but when they did a shelter in place, the hotel locked all the doors. and you can barely hear the sounds of the wind, but then you can you see like she's like right now, the trees are kind of bent over almost you can see a lot of debris in the parking lot and then there's just kind of like an ominous phil because we've lost all power here except for the emergency lights in the hallway. >> you were supposed to move into a home and then helene totally change those plans. you've also never really dealt with a hurricane like this. how are you coping with your whole life being upended by these storms? >> i'm coping very well. i feel like you know, yes, i do not have a home. we've been in a hotel for the past few weeks. >> this hurricane. i just, you
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know, a lot of people have been displaced and, you know, once tomorrow when we wake up and see the destruction of what this storm has caused, it could have an effect on doubt in the more floridians. so, and then we're all going to be looking for homes. so it's going to be it's going to be tough it is it's already been so tough for you and so many floridians were really hoping for the best for you, debbie, and for your son as well? >> well, i'm glad that you're safe tonight and right now. thank you very much for joining us thank you. >> you have a good night. >> goodnight and thank you for watching at home tonight. cnn's coverage of this hurricane and how it is affecting the state of florida continues >> right now anderson cooper with cnn's breaking news coverage of hurricane milton. the powerful category two storm i
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